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About the run

In 2016 I was really lucky to run from Land’s End to John O’Groats. I thought I had put really long runs to bed until in the Covid-19 pandemic a man called Peter said ‘Is Tom up to something, maybe it’s time for him to cross the country after all these lockdowns’.

And with that ‘The Cross’ was born.

Later than planned, I will set off from St David’s Head at 7am on Monday 13th March and aim to run the 350 miles to Lowestoft, arriving sometime on Sunday 19th March.

I have a little team following me on the road that consists of Damian (cousin), Debbie (mum) and Richard (dad). Sarah (girlfriend) will be keeping you up to date before work allows her to join from Friday. There is also back up from Graham and Caspar.

Just like in 2016 I have had some amazing support from Sarah and Colin at Banbury Howard (who made this website), Lucy and Jeremy at Nova Systems (who supplied the tracking) and Charlotte for advice on my knee.

Ever since I started running I have been asked if I am raising money for charity along the way. Most of the time I do it for the challenge but for this run I have thought if you have been inspired by what you see please feel free to give something to HomeStart Suffolk.

Bringing up kids is like running, many ups and downs with a few good surprises along the way but it would not be possible without a team. HomeStart provides a team-mate for anyone raising young people under 13 who would like some support and guidance. If you would like to donate your time to them rather than money you can find out more here….

If my journey has inspired you to do something, or you’d just like to know more, you can email me at (I may not reply until after the run!)

Thank you for following me.